Saturday, February 23, 2008

What Should I write?

BTW Aura and Lori. The full comment didn't show up so....what did happen in the cave anyways?

So....can I make up a story that's sci-fi when I'm in a fantasy-ish world for real? Let's try.

This story I'm actually typing and doing takes place 40 years in the future after society as we know it fell apart. In this world there are extreme environments and conditions. There are vicious mutants like cannibals. Then there are the ones that thrive and survive in this world using their abilities. It's a different world out there, whether it's night or day.

There was a girl. She sat alone in the dark just think. It was quiet and just too peaceful that moment. It felt like a dream. What's wrong? But the real question was: What is right? Nothing. Nothing at all. The whole world is wrong, and nothing's right, and we can't get it all back. So there I was, that girl, sitting there alone. In the dark.
What really happened that day? That one day. The day it all started. I'll tell you what happened then, what's happening now and what has happened before.
We went into hiding. It was the only way we could stay safe. There were people out there that wanted to get us. But we stayed hidden. Where they can't see us and won't find us.
These things. They're like police. But they can kill you and will if they want to. And if you are ever in the open air during the day, well, you're already dead meat.
Dead meat. They eat people. And people like me? Well, we're a special delight to them. A thrilling hunt, if you will. If they can catch us, which rarely happens, then we're history. Gone. Gobbled up and in their bellies and never to be seen again.
I'm fast. Really fast, and strong too. There are more like me, you see. Before society crashed, we were being made in labs. Created in test tubes and kept in tanks. Asleep, just waiting to be woken up, and to be tested again.
The tests were harsh. Many of us died because they used their other vicious beings to attack us. But the survivors, such as myself lived and thrived once the labs burned down. Another one of their experiments also made it to the outside world. They are blood thirsty and inhuman. A cross between a serial killer, a wolf or alligator or something like that. We're not really sure.
But us, we are the genetically enhanced. The ones made to survive in extreme environments. We can organize, fight and improvise in a split second. We have the ability to do all of that and more.
I'm Rian, and I'm approximately seven-teen years old. Welcome to the After Society. It's not much, but it's all we got.

I should tell you a bit about myself. My name stands for something. Something that makes me special, it's something I have.


That's my name, or what I am named for. But the others like to think it means:


It doesn't. But that's how they describe me. I'm a bit tough and can have a bad temper. I'm very smart and can figurer out any problems we have in some way. I'm annoying because I can go on and on when yelling at some one who did something wrong, and that's why they say I'm a nuicense. I'm not like the normal teenagers that used to exist about ten years ago. If one of them were put in this situation, they couldn't last a week.
I was kept in those labs for seven years and I was trained for these situations. They on the other hand, were not. In this world, every city is a ghost town. Houses are falling apart and becoming dirty. Windows are broken and animals decide to live in them instead. Humans, normal humans without genetic enhancements, are gone. Most of them anyway. As far as we know.
Technology is scarce. I took a few flashlights and cameras from some deserted houses, and batteries too. Some music players. A radio that only plays static. That's all.
I never lived a normal life, so I don't feel that sense of loss. But sometimes I miss back when meals were brought to you and you didn't have to hunt and gather like we do now. The days when the next meal was always garenteed. The times when you didn't always have to worry about being killed by some kind of creature unless you were being tested. I can't believe how much I really do miss those times.

I need to edit it. Or maybe not do it anymore more. It reminds me of Resident Evil Extintion(wich is one of the movies we sneeked into in the last year, before coming to crystaralight) too much.

1 comment:

wings said...

That is such a cool story!!!
please say there's more...

it does sound a little like Resident Evil Ectinction. but it's still totally awsum